‘My Morse Guide’ – an AVR Electronics Kit Project.


My Morse Guide is an electronics kit aimed at young people.
The kit delivers both some fun in soldering the kit together as well as having a kit for playing with Morse code

My Morse code is a project by Ivo PA1IVO, Leo PA0LEZ and Marianne, and is a successor to the successful Share Your Morse project for the Jamboree On The Air 2013 at Scouting Elfregi Zaanstreek.

The My Morse Guide electronics kit delivers the following functionality after it is successfully soldered together.
• the (pre-programmed) name of the owner is sent in Morse code, or the radio call sign in case of a radio amateur
• all the characters, numbers and NATO alphabet words are sent in Morse code one at a time
• the (pre-programmed) secret words are sent in Morse code, one at a time
• With the ‘(Speaker/LED)’ key the speaker and LED can be switched on and off for sending Morse code
• the pitch of the Morse tone can be set
• the speed (‘WPM’) of the Morse code can be set

It is possible to send Morse code yourself with the kit, or an external Morse key can be connected.

Circuit diagram and further information is at

Share your Morse
