Club Log is a web-based application that analyses log files from radio amateurs all over the world. Using the logs, Club Log offers you a wide range of reports for your own benefit, and identifies large scale trends from the sum of all activity in the database.

If you participate in Club Log by uploading your log you will receive:

  • Personal DXCC reports and league tables
  • Detailed analysis of your log, using researched DXCC information
  • Zone charts for your log, again based on detailed research
  • A personal timeline of your activity (DXCCs per year, band and mode info)
  • Your own log search tool, eg. to link from your web page or QRZ profile
  • A filtered DX Cluster which only tells you about DX you still ‘need’
  • A say in the Club Log most wanted report: your log is part of the trend data
  • Access to propagation and activity predictions, using everyone’s logs
  • QSL suggestions to help you send out just the cards you need
  • Satisfaction from taking part in and improving a free DXing resource.

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