The 333 Triplexer is based on the work of K6KV as presented in the June 2010 QST Magazine article “HF Yagi Triplexer Especially for ARRL Field Day”.

Applications range from Field Day, to Emergencies, to Contesting, to DXpeditions. The Triplexer effectively makes one tower and a triband yagi into 3-towers and 3-yagis, while adding only a 3X5X7 inch aluminum box, weighing less than 2 pounds to your equipment list. Works well with Trap Dipoles and Verticals too.

No adjustments required. Just place in-line between transceivers, Bandpass Filters, and antenna and you are ready to go.


Inputs & Output: 50-ohms nominal.

Connectors: UHF type.

Insertion Loss: 0.3-0.4dbTypical.
Attenuation to adjacent band: typically 12 dB in addition to that of the
bandpass filters.

Power: 200W PEP intermittent.

20M 14.0 – 14.35
15M 21.0 – 21.50
10M 28.0 – 28.70

VSWR CONSIDERATIONS: The better the VSWR, the less likely you will be to experience difficulties. Every effort should be made to maintain minimum VSWR.

CONSTRUCTION: Aluminum Enclosure. Dimensions: HWD 3.0 X 5.0 (+ 1-In flange) X 7 Inches.


Price: $399 USD