TT2A works at 7.030 and 14.060. However, crystal sockets are used in the kit, offering a more flexible frequency switching. Crystals ranging from 60m – 20m can be plugged in to work without altering the tank coil.

Photo by Youkits

Photo by Youkits

The frequency range for BAND 1 is 5 – 7.50MHz. 60m – 40m is covered. Simply pull out 7.030 crystal, and plug in a crystal ranging from 5 – 7.30MHz.

Re-tune CT1 to produce the maximum power. For example, plug in a 5.320 crystal. What you have to do is to tune CT1.

You do not have to change the band coil. That simple!
The frequency range for BAND 2 is 10 – 14.50MHz. 30m – 20m is covered. Simply pull out 14.060 crystal, and plug in a crystal ranging from 10 – 14.30MHz. Re-tune CT1 to produce the maximum power.

The kit works at 17 – 15m by changing the required crystals. However the tap of the tank coil should be altered.
Power TX Output: 4W
Power supply need: 200-250V 100ma, 6.3V 2A

Photo by Youkits

Photo by Youkits

Photo by Youkits

Price: $129 USD

Read also: tt1a-2 band cw qrp transmitter kit
