Online Radio locator

This website is a search engine for finding radio stations in the United States and all around the world. Radio-Locator uses a unique search engine to find all the radio stations that can be heard at a specific geographic location in the United States. This locator search engine takes into account each radio station’s transmitter…

SDR Online HF receiver

I’ve installed my “PERSEUS” SDR Receiver as a Server ONLINE. Now any user can connect and controlling my Receiver over the Internet. You need just to Download the Last new 4th Version of the “Perseus” Client under Windows OS. For Internet surfing you can use this application even without SDR Receiver. Also I can simultaneously…

The Internet Portal to the PropNET Project

PropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way (and potentially, “more-way”) RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet.  As participating stations periodically ID and exchange data, they report their activity to an Internet data-collection hub for presentation through this web site. For more infor read here

Мой путь в эфир

Много лет назад, когда деревья были большими и “большой брат” все слышал, все знал и всегда все видел, я собрал в маленькой пластмассовой коробочке из под мыла свой первый в жизни КВ радиопередатчик на отечественном транзисторе “П-416”. Принимая сигналы этого передатчика на радиовещательный приемник “VEF-206”, мне показалось, что дистанция приема была крайне мала. Всего-то 500…

Live WebSDR on seven bands

On this page you can listen to and control a short-wave receiver located at the amateur radio club ETGD at the University of Twente (Holland). In contrast to other web-controlled receivers, this receiver can be tuned by multiple users simultaneously, thanks to the use of Software-Defined Radio.