In April 2010 K6HFA plans to work from Tuvalu with call sign T2X.

It’s very weird (!)
For further operation, if he will use My call sign, PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME QSL cards to avoid the confusion.

For these operators (i.e. K6HFA (‘T2X’), WA3FPK (‘9X0A’) and others…) I strongly recommend to visit QRZ.COM from time to time… BUT please see P.S. below.

As an evidence that call sign T2X belongs to me, please see my original T2X License from Tuvalu.

P.S. On 13 April 2010 Admin assigned the T2X call sign to K6HFA by unilateral decision. I didn’t send any request for such changes.

Such situation happened for the second time on 9X0A also was changed by Admin a few month ago without any notifications. All my arguments did not change the situation.

All of these Administration steps undermine the reputation of the service and I am in doubt now whether its further use for me personally is of any value.

73 de T2X Andrey