Frequency Counter DIY Kit Module

Frequency Counter DIY Kit Module An easy to build Open Source DIY kit of Frequency Counter based on PIC16F628A microcontroller. Economy package intended to measure frequency input up to 5MHz. Full extended package includes MB506 prescaler that allows to measure HF and VHF up to 250MHz. Technical specification for Economy Package 5MHz Counter: Low frequency…

WSPR-TX XP Plus Transmitter

The WSPR-TX XP Plus is a standalone all band WSPR transmitter with built in GPS for the radio amateur experimenter. This Plus version is pretty much the same as the WSPR-TX XP except for two additional features in the Plus model: 1 WiFi 2 External frequency reference input Some quick features: 1: Standalone operation, PC required for configuration but not for operation.…

HackerBox #0096 – Two Meter

HackerBox 0096: Get radio active by exploring the two meter very high frequency (VHF) amateur radio band, how to obtain an amateur radio license, and how to join an amateur radio club. Configure the ESP32 T-Display module for easy programming via the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Assemble the exclusive HackerBox Two Meter (2m) radio lab…