DX Horror

1983 German DXpedition to Spratly Islands.   DJ3NG along with his friends was on his way to Spratly DX Pedition. A night before arriving at Spratly, his boat was attacked and sunken by Vietnamese gunships. DJ6SI fortunately survived and issued this QSL to mourn DJ3NG, DJ4EI, and others killed by this incident. A short story…

RJ3AR (ex.UA6JR/3) SK

Very sad news came from Russia / Moscow. Serge Rostenko RJ3AR (SK). ex: UA6JR/3, UA6JR, UA6JBK, UA6HEF, RA6HKW, UA6-108-430. “Константиныча”, как все его ласково звали, я знал еще с начала лихих 90х, когда работали вместе в команде компании “КРОУНИ”. Часто бывал у него в гостях. Ездили покорять RDA и на УКВ поевые дни. В последние…

Low-Power Radio Takes Many Forms

The article & Photo copied from Radioworld.com My first dabbling in low-power “broadcasting” occurred in childhood. A Radio Shack P-Box kit, namely a wireless AM microphone, was the start. The study of electronics and my work at a community radio station as a teen soon would benefit my pursuits in the world of commercial broadcast…

RU Callsign system changes

If you have been on the HF bands lately, you may have noticed that a number of new prefixes are in use by stations in the Russian Federation. Here is a summary of the changes recently adopted by the Russian telecommunication authorities. * Russian prefixes with the numeral 2 are no longer limited to Kaliningradsk.…

Sun wakes up from sleep

Sun wakes up from sleep for busiest sunspot cycle in years and threatens to disrupt Earth communications and power.   This astonishing sequence of images shows a dramatic ‘flare’ bursting out from the sun which could affect satellite communications and power supplies here on Earth. The spectacular development unleashed a radiation firestorm on a level…