REMO’s Band pass & Low pass filters for HAM Radio

The REMO Company treats the radio amateurs to a choice of products for their great hobby. Understanding the needs of radio amateurs all over the world, REMO manufactures unique product line including the sets of bandpass filters BPF and BPF-Luxury, the monoblock bandpass filter BPF-Block Luxury, the low-pass filter LPF-1 Barrier, high power low-pass filters…

VOACAP DroidProp

What’s New: What’s in this version: Please help me translate DroidProp to other languages: 0.7.1, 25.07.2012 Fixed bug in locator verification Current time is now drawn into the plot (thanks to Mel, VE2DC for the suggestion) 0.7, 23.07.2012 Locator field in site creation dialog is now editable Fixed crash when user tries to get…