Tworse Key - Twitter Telegraph

The Tworse Key is a standalone device that connects through a standard LAN cable, the Morse signals are decoded by the built-in Arduino Ethernet board, which delivers the final message though the Twitter API.

software requirements:

Arduino 1.0 (or later)
Twitter library by @NeoCat
the latest TworseKey sketch for Arduino provided here.

hardware requirements:

Morse Key (search on Ebay)
Arduino Ethernet board (or alternatively an Arduino plus Ethernet shield)
piezo buzzer for auditory feedback
50 Ohm resistor to connect the buzzer
RGB LED (common anode) for visual feedback
10k Ohm resistor to connect the LED (reducing its brightness)

additional requirements:

a RJ45 ethernet cable
9V Battery + connector (for internal use)
5V power supply (for external use)
USB FTDI cable to program the Arduino Ethernet board
a wooden box to mount the electronics and Morse key
various cables and soldering equipment

