N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program can be used with Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Eight. It has been designed to run satisfactorily on a 1 GHz Pentium III with 512 MB of memory or more, depending on the operating system’s requirements.
New to N1MM Logger? The development team updates the software on a weekly basis – usually on Tuesdays. Subscribe to the Yahoo N1MM Logger group to receive email notices of new updates and to participate in the informative exchanges on the reflector.

Picture by QRZnow.com
Videos from the Dayton 2014 Contest Forum Session: Introducing N1MM Logger Plus:
Introducing N1MM Logger Plus, By Tom N1MM and Larry K8UT
- Dayton 2014 Contest Forum – Video – Dayton 2014 Contest Forum Part I, N1MM (length – 5:46, size 24MB)
- Dayton 2014 Contest Forum – Video – Dayton 2014 Contest Forum Part II, K8UT (length – 19:49, size 32MB)
- Dayton 2014 Contest Forum – Video – Dayton 2014 Contest Forum Part III, What’s New (length – 3:22, size 11MB)
N1MM Logger+ will not be able to convert any database never opened with a V14.xx.xx of legacy N1MM Logger.
N1MM Logger Features:
1. General
2. Key features
3. Digital support
4. Windows
5. Advanced features
6. Radio support
7. Hardware Support
8. Import/Export features
1. General
All major and many minor HF Contests are supported
Including General DX logging, DXpedition, DXSatellite and VHF DX.
SSB, CW and Digital support
Multi-user support?
Rover support? for QSO parties and other contests which support this.
VHF and up contesting
Transverter support (SHF bands supported up to 10, 24, 47, 76, 142 and 241 GHz).
Dxpedition mode (Stay in Run or S&P)
2. Key features
ESM- Enter Send Message Mode – just press the Enter key to make a qso.
Uses sound card for DVK but also DVK interface for W9XT and other DVK interfaces.
Automatic CW generation (LPT and via USB to serial converter).
Rotator control (Using N1MM Rotor, LP-Rotor or ARSWIN).
Grayline program
Two VFO support when using one radio, with one VFO per Bandmap.
SO2R?/SO2V support including $5 SO2R supporting SO2R with just sound cards.
Telnet and packet support – spots from both automatically update the bandmaps.
Winkeyer support (Serial CW keyer by K1EL).
Automatic beam heading and sunrise/sunset calculations.
Contact recording to wav files. Right-click on log entry to play back.
Record level indicator for recording QSOs.
Spot all S&P calls locally (QSYing wipes the call and spots QSO in bandmap).
3. Digital support
All major and most smaller RTTY and Digital contests
AFSK and FSK with use of soundcards and terminal units (DXP-38, PK-232, Kam, etc.)
Interfaces with MMTTY, MMVARI, and Fldigi
SO1V, SO2V and SO2R
Up to 4 parallel RX decoding windows using either MMTTY or a TU, all interacting with the Entry Window
Multiplier/Dupe color coding of calls on the fly in any RX window
Ability to find calls in Master.dta file in long strings of text in the RX windows (e.g., in ASDFGHJKLN1MMAS#$%WERT, N1MM would be highlighted)
Multiple call Grab window that displays last 7 callsigns received in the RX window.
Point and click capture of callsigns and exchanges to Entry Window
Ability to complete entire QSO with mouse and never leave the RX window (With ESM turned on)
Up to 24 additional macro buttons
Ability to stack incoming calls and work them off the stack by using a TU/Now macro
4. Windows
Entry Window Window, Log Window, ((Packet/Telnet)), Score Window Summary,Info Window, Available Mults and Qs Window and the Digital Interfaces
Multiplier window.
Call check function , including N+1 matching
Dual graphical bandmaps click to tune radio to the spot selected. The bandmap can be zoomed in or out depending on number of spots shown.
Available Window keeps track of needed spots and mults on each band for easy band-change decisions. **Color-coded buttons indicate on which bands the current contact is needed.
The program retains the size and position of windows as specified by the user.
Click on packet spot in Packet/Telnet window, Bandmap or Available window to tune to that frequency/mode.
5. Advanced features
((Single Operator Two Radio Operation (SO2R)|SO2R))including Dueling CQ and selectable advanced SO2R modes
Serial number server? for SO2R and multi-user modes – coordinates serial numbers between radios.
S&P callsign stacking.
Multi user support with automatic resync on reconnect.
Rotator control
Antenna mapping
6. Radio support
Radio interface supports radios from Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kenwood, Orion, TenTec and Yaesu
7. Hardware Support
LPT port functionality to control antenna switches, radio selection, and PTT (XP/Vista/Windows 7).
Support for microHAM and OTRSP SO2R protocols.
8. Import/Export features
Cabrillo export support.
ADIF import/export support.
Transaction log, which keeps all QSOs to facilitate recovery of log.
Statistical reports.
Many more…
Source: N1MM WEB Site