ARCO Junior Rotator controller

The ARCO Junior is a modern rotator controller designed for reliable operation with virtually any rotator ever made, commercial or home brew. ARCO Junior is a lite version of the regular ARCO. Provides same capabilities in a smaller enclosure without internal power supplies and uses simplified front panel interface instead of touch screen. Includes VNC…

MOMOBeam DUO4 17/12m WARC Antenna

DUO4 12/17 is a dualband yagi for the WARC bands of 12 and 17 meters with very compact dimensions and full size elements. The uniqueness of this antenna is that the 24 MHz driver is not directly connected, but is an “open sleeve” style feed. This greatly simplifies the assembly of the antenna. It features…

JUMA ASW-5 Automatic BCD Antenna Switch

Manufacturer code: JUMA ASW-5 Ordering code: ASW-5 Freq. range: 2 – 50MHz No. of switched antennas: 5 No. of possible bands: 10 bands, from 160m to 6m Max. power: legal power limit, SSB/CW (JUMA team tested it at 2kW+) Antenna/Tx connectors: high quality TE Connectivity BNC 50Ω DC plug: 5.5mm OD/ 2.1mm ID DC power…