Apple co-founder started as Radio Ham

The Daily Targum reports on a speech given to young entrepreneurs and professors by Steve “Woz” Wozniak WA6BND / WV6VLY, co-founder of Apple Computer, Co. The newspaper says “When Wozniak was 10 years old, he received his ham radio operator license and built his own ham radio — an amateur radio that uses a designated…

New Internet Cloud HAMLOG

HamLog CloudLog is a cloud based amateur radio logging service. Its functionality is very similar to the popular logging application for the iPhone/ipad and Android. The mobile app HamLog has the ability to synchronize (pull/push) to the cloud to ensure you’re always carrying the most up-to-date log at all times. Imagine bringing your iPad out…

CommCat 4

CommCat 4 is a radio control and logging program for radio amateurs who share a passion for talking to other hams around the world. CommCat works with most popular radios and accessories. It requires a Windows XP or later computer. CommCat 4 is compatible with the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. CommCat is now…