AA9PW iPHONE / iPAD Morse code trainer

Ham Morse allows you to practice morse code on your iPhone or iPod Touch. It is designed particularly for Ham radio operators and others who wish to achieve or maintain a high level of proficiency in this classic mode of communication. Version 1.32 is now current. There were some bugs in version 1.3 that were…


Description Elektor Electronic Toolbox combines electronic reference material with calculation and conversion tools in one handy app. Whether a professional or hobbyist, the app gives users a collection of the most important electrical information right at their fingertips. PLEASE NOTE: The App supports the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Netherlands, Spanish and runs on…

Apple iPOD, iPAD, iPHONE HAM Radio Applications

Morse Pad Decode Morse Code NAVTEX Pad Decode NAVTEX weather transmissions Packet Pad Decode Packet Radio transmissions PSK31 Pad Decode PSK31 transmissions ACARS Pad Decode ACARS transmissions SSTV Pad Decode SSTV transmissions   Elmer Technician Amateur radio written exam practice Elmer General Amateur radio written exam practice Elmer Extra Amateur radio written exam practice  HF…


Satellite tracking on the iPhone/iPod touch. Track and predict visible satellite passes. Touch a satellite in the map view to see it’s orbit path and location. The Overhead sky view shows what is in the sky for your location. Touch a satellite to find out what it is and where it is going. Includes satellite…