KC4AAA US South Pole Station

This very rare and old audio recorded by Sparky – KL1A/W2. KC4AAA (Atntarctic US South Pole Expedition) on 14243 KHz by USB at around 05 GMT on December 26th 0212. Audio recorded by W2RE’s remote hamradio station with a monster Stacks Yagi antennas… @sparky

LDG AAF5 Analog Audio Filter

The AAF5 can be widely applied to external audio processing of all types of receiving equipment such as radio transceiver, receiver or broadcast radio to effectively reduce background noise by more than 10 dB, improve the signal-to-noise ratio by 20 dB, and increase the overall all signal readability on the RS and RST scales. This…

RI0Q DXpedition 2021

  Date: March 22, 2021 Time: 07:25 GMT Freq: 14020 KHz Mode: CW QTH: Bol’shoy Begichev Island. Russia. Callsign: RI0Q. IOTA: AS-152   MARCH 21 – Outside temperature is -35C (it’s not been above -30C on this trip). Minor problems occur with generators and stove (fuel hoses burst from frost). One working tent is set up…

Multilingual YOTA kid

Pia Wurster from class 8 recently acquired her amateur radio license. She is the youngest radio amateur in Germany who, at the age of 12, directly acquired the highest amateur radio license class. Your worldwide unique call sign: DL7PIA. Operator of DB0YOTA (2020). Date: December 30, 2020 Time: 12:20 GMT Freq: 7163 KHz Mode: SSB…