4U and DXCC status

Should 4U1VIC Have A Separate DXCC Entity Status? Every few months or so, it seems that the issue of the DXCC status (or lack thereof) of the Vienna International Center station, 4U1VIC, comes into question. While 4U1VIC is recognized as a separate entity (or counter or multiplier) by some contest and awards organizers, the ARRL…

YT1AD Pacific DXpedition

Hrane, YT1AD and Miki, YU1DW, will travel to Pacific and will be active 30.09 – 01.10.2009. KH8/N9YU 2/3.10.2009. 5W7A (YT1AD) and 5W0DW (YU1DW) 04.10. – 06.10.2009. 3D2AD (YT1AD) and 3D2DW (YU1DW) 06.10. – 08.10.2009. – T30M (YT1AD) and T30W (YU1DW) The main target of this trip is to prepare all necessary documents for the  next…