I Wanna be a Big Tower

I Want a Big TowerWatch this video on YouTube This song is for my ham radio friends, but especially for those for whom having a tower is not an option, leaving us to put up dipoles and other antennas any way we can, and then struggle with our weak signals. (Non-hams may not understand much…

What is a transistor?

MAKE presents: The TransistorWatch this video on YouTube Video by MAKE They electronically switch and amplify signals by harnessing the unique abilities of semiconductor materials. Their invention has transformed the world of electronics and accelerated our entry into the digital age. Behold – the Transistor! brought to you by makezine.com audio and video by Collin…

Exploding components

Exploding electronic components in HDWatch this video on YouTube A real geek stuff : Afroman blows up resistors, electrolytic capacitors and transistors. Don’t forget to thumbs up! The music is the final part of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture.