HF SuperPacker Pro 100W Amp

This project is designed to walk you through the build process step by step. We welcome first-time builders. Let us help you be all that you can be. The project parts and your efforts will provide you with a compact linear amplifier for use with QRP SSB/CW transmitters on the amateur bands 160 through 10…

APRSdroid – APRS for Android

APRSdroid is an Android application for Amateur Radio operators. It allows reporting your position to the APRS-IS network and displays nearby stations as a list or on a map. APRSdroid is Open Source Software written in Scala and licensed under the GPLv2. If you really like APRSdroid, you can support the author by buying the…

New MacLoggerDX HD for iPAD

MacLoggerDX HD is an Amateur Radio application that monitors the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It Alerts you to rare Ham Radio contacts or band openings by looking up and displaying real time propagation paths on a zoomable map. MacLoggerDX HD can log your contacts to a super…