1300 Watts from One Transistor

Lionel, F1JRD has developed a state of art SSPA for 144 MHz that delivers up to 1300 Watt output with just about 3 Watt input. Just a single brand-new transistor that was released in November 2010 from freescale is used in this PA. As this transistor costs just below 240 Euro (320 USD, 200 GBP)…


The AmQRP “PIC-EL Kit” is a multi-function PIC16F84A-based project board designed by Craig Johnson, AA0ZZ and the American QRP Club for experiments being conducted by John McDonough, WB8RCR in his online PIC Elmer 160 course. The course material is geared around use of common I/O components — pushbuttons, LEDs, LCD display, rotary encoder and speaker…

New R&S®MG3500 HF Linear Amplifier

The R&S®MG3500 power amplifier increases the HF output power of an R&S®MR300xH/U transceiver in the HF range up to max. 500 W. Thus, it makes reliable medium- and long-range connections via groundwave and skywave possible. Typical applications include stationary and semimobile installations for tactical radio networks. * Frequency range from 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz…

New LDG AT-600pro Antenna Tuner

  The LDG AT-600 Pro can handle it! Time was, 100 watts was a lot of power. Today, more and more mid-sized amps with 500 watts output are becoming popular. The LDG AT-600Pro is designed for this new generation of power levels. The AT-600Pro will handle up to 600 watts SSB and CW and 300…