Still alive

Amazing. “OSCAR-7” still ALIVE (!) This satellite is ancient! Batteries died in the early 80s and the thing’s still going on the ancient solar panels. Simply & awesome. Spacecraft Summary OSCAR Designation:  AMSAT-OSCAR 7 Oscar Number:  AO-7 International Designator:  1974-089B Norad Number:  7530 Common Name:  OSCAR 7 Alternate Name:  Phase-IIB Satellite Type:  Satellite Launch Date: …

Sun wakes up from sleep

Sun wakes up from sleep for busiest sunspot cycle in years and threatens to disrupt Earth communications and power.   This astonishing sequence of images shows a dramatic ‘flare’ bursting out from the sun which could affect satellite communications and power supplies here on Earth. The spectacular development unleashed a radiation firestorm on a level…

Mega Collaps on the Sun

The mega-filament collapsed in a gorgeous cascade of hot plasma between noon and 2 p.m. EST. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a beautiful movie of the eruption (above). The explosion does not appear to be aimed at Earth, so we shouldn’t expect any magnetic storms or satellite troubles. The loop of hot plasma has been…

Spaceweather Radio

LISTEN SPACEWEATHER RADIO (Live) Live Radar Audio Feed–how do we do it? It’s simple. The Air Force Space Surveillance Radar transmits a 216.98 MHz signal into the heavens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Meteors, satellites and spacecraft passing overhead reflect those signals back down to Earth. The radar’s primary antenna is located…

Мониторим программу NASA

Накопал замечательный документик в формате PDF, в котором рассписаны практически все частоты, используемые NASA для пилотируемых космических (и не только) программ. В свое время слушал ЦУП на частоте 143.800 кГц. FM. Было хорошо слышно переговоры наших космонавтов с Центром Управления. Сссылка на PDF Фото