Microtelecom FM+ Converter

FM+ Converter FM+ is a 87.5?108 MHz broadcast band converter expressely designed for the Perseus receiver. It features a very good dynamic range which perfectly matches the Perseus receiver. The converter is equipped with a control software application suited for FM DXers needs. The FM+ is equipped with an internal antenna switch for direct connection…

WSPR Receiver 20M KIT RK-20

Advances in communications in recent years have come at a startling pace. In the old days, tocommunicate via radio one needed a good antenna, a selective receiver, and a powerful transmitter.While those items are still useful, today there is one more item required: good software. The “weaksignal propagation reporter” software or WSPR (pronounced “whisper”) is…

PALSTAR MW550P Active Preselector/Tuner

The word is spreading about Palstar’s unique, high-end amateur and shortwave radio products carrying on in the Palstar tradition for products of the highest quality. The American made MW550P tuner is no exception. The MW550P is an active preselector and antenna matching unit for AM broadcast and 160 m reception. The MW550P will match any…