AOR SR2200 DSP VHF/UHF receiver

The AOR SR2200 is a DSP powered VHF/UHF receiver unit covering from 25 MHz to 3 GHz with triple conversion superheterodyne in AM, NFM, WFM and SFM modes. Thanks to a well designed RFU, the generated IF signal of 10.7 MHz is of high linearity. Moreover, the demodulated signal is amplified to a high-definition audio…

Communications vs Communication

I’ve developed an involuntary twitch in my forehead. Every time I hear the superfluous “S” at the end of communication. You might be thinking “Oh Michelle, you are being silly – it’s just an extra “S” what difference does it make?” There is a HUGE divide between communication and communications. Saying there is not is…

Raspberry Pirate Radio

Raspberry Pirate Radio. Weekend Projects – Raspberry Pirate RadioWatch this video on YouTube This simple hack turns your Raspberry Pi into a powerful FM transmitter! It has enough range to cover your home, DIY drive-in movie, a high school ball game, or even a bike parade (depending on the stragglers). PiFM software not only boldly…

KX3 Companion

The KX3 Companion in an app that will let the power use of your Elecraft KX3 HF radio easier and lighter. No need for a PC! Author: Andrea Salvatore IU4APC It will let you send and receive CW, PSK31 and RTTY by using your mobile phone or tablet keyboard. Optionally you can use an external…