Study Confirms QRMers Are Bad People

By K5KVN, NEWINGSTEAD, Vt. — Results of a worldwide study have confirmed what many ham radio operators have suspected all along: people who purposefully interfere with other transmissions are psychopaths. small__6077461074The study, conducted over the course of one week by the National Radio Retransmission Legion (NRRL), was released yesterday. “It became immediately clear what kind…

Pirate Radio's in China poses threat to plane safety

Rising number of pirate radio stations in China poses threat to plane safety. The Chinese authorities are concerned that a growing number of pirate radio stations may disrupt communications between passenger jets and air traffic controllers. The high-power stations are in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities and Hainan, Yunnan and Guangdong provinces, said the South China…

HAM radio balloon goes around the world

The 434 MHz solar powered party balloon B-64, launched by radio amateur Leo Bodnar M0XER, is approaching the UK at the end of its record breaking journey around the world Leo launched his balloon from Silverstone in the UK on July 12, 2014. It traveled east across Asia, the Pacific and the Americas and is…