ILER 40 / 4-5W QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver KIT

EA3GCY ILER 40 / 4-5W QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver KIT. SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: Frequency Coverage: VXO tuning 20 a 100KHz segment in 40M band (60-70KHz for better stability). Bandwidth range is selected according L6 value in the VXO circuit. Frequency Control: high stability VXO oscillator. Option A: two 12.031MHz. crystals (upper limit aprox. 7.105MHz) Opción B:…

Microcode DSP based Morse code reader kit

The Microcode kit assembles into a versatile Morse Code reader capable of decoding and displaying audio Morse code signals from speeds of 10 words per minute (wpm) to over 40wpm. A sensitive integral microphone combined with a tunable bandpass active filter allow the Microcode to operate effectively by being placed near to a receiver’s loudspeaker.…

The ‘Retro" QRP AM Transceiver board kits

The ‘Retro-75’ 75/80 Meter AM Transceiver board kit & The ‘Retro-40’ 40 Meter AM Transceiver board kit This project is a frankly nostalgic look back at our hobby of 50 years ago. It’s now been updated using all modern components. Features: Board size 3.5” x 5.27” Tunable Receiver- 50 kHz, selectable, varicap-tuned 4 kHz receiver…