LD-1TR Software-Defined Transceiver

The LD-1TR is a NEW 5-Watt (nominal output) HF / MF transceiver for Amatreur Radio operators. It’s based on the LD-1B2 software defined receiver (in fact, there’s an LD-1B2 inside it and it looks just like an LD-1B2) but there’s an LD-1TX 5-Watt transmitter module inside the box. Like the LD-1B2, its low cost and…

FXPad for SDR FLEX-5000A transceiver

A practical solution for SO2R with FLEX-5000A/RX2 FX5000 is derived from FXpad software and the famous Tmate. Close to full control of your FLEX-5000A transceiver,with RX2 unit installed and PowerSDR (TM) running, on a USB touchsreen desktop minimonitor. A CAT software that, besides controlling the USB knob Tmate , creates a nice and confortable desktop…

SDR-4 general coverage receiver

The SDR-4 receiver covers from 0.85 to 30 MHz and follows on from our existing SDR Receiver with a Si570 low noise synthesised VFO, relay switched band pass filtering, a power FET RF amplifier and a built-in USB soundcard. Key design features include: Antenna isolation transformer with a 50 or 450 ohm impedance input for…