DIY: The nanoKeyer is an Arduino Nano based CW Contest Keyer kit

What is nanoKeyer?  The nanoKeyer is an Arduino Nano based CW Contest Keyer Addon. It was designed specifically for use with the K3NG Arduino keyer open-source firmware adding many features and flexibility. The nanoKeyer is suitable as a standalone keyer or for keying the radio via the USB port by using the K1EL Winkeyer protocol from a connected computer…

ARB-704 Buffer for amplifier keying

Keys nearly any PA Useable with nearly any transceiver Noiseless operation, transistor keying Fast, QSK capable Simple wiring Every transceiver has a keying output for an amplifier – but not all those outputs are capable of keying the high voltages or currents of an amplifier. High voltages or voltage peaks can destroy the keying stage…