Minitouch keyer P1SBW

Model P1BSW is the ideal way to save your battery from draining down if you accidentally forget to shut your model P1 off. Press the momentary push button and your model P1BS becomes active for 10 minutes. Touch the left paddle anytime during the 10 minutes and the timer resets for another 10 minutes. During…

Morse-code trainer

My kids are learning Morse code this summer, so I threw together this little circuit to help them learn. And to make it more fun… It uses an ATtiny85 ($2.26 at to drive a piezo beeper (? $3.50 at Radio Shack.) The ATtiny85 takes 5.5V max, so I built the circuit on a piece…

Intruder Watch Story

Well an interesting time has been had by all in the past week. A Radio Amateur in Northern California, inadvertently pushed a keyboard up to his keyer, which produced a stream of dots at 25 WPM for well over a week. An international effort from Region 3 bringing in Region 1 via the Intruderwatch and…