Chinese TYT TH-9800 Dual Band Mobile Transceiver

23 May. 2012 Features: Outstanding 0.2uV sensitivity across 10m/6m/2m/70cm bands Brilliant crossmodulation, intermodulation rejection and strong signal performance – similar to commercial radios! Commercial quality and commercial performance, too! 256 memory channels DTMF mic included! Digital FM broadcast band radio High/low output power levels Reverse frequency selection Dual (V/U) squelch set levels Dual repeater offsets…


Kenwood TS-990s Video II / III

Video – II KenwoodTS990S_Dayton2012.mp4Watch this video on YouTube The FIRST showing on the Kenwood TS-990 S at Dayton HAmvention 2012. Gordon West WB6NOA and Bob Heil K9EID crash the Private Kenwood 990 Party and take a “Sneak Preview”. After there bit, we see the TS-990 S on Day one of Hamvention 2012 where Kenwood Rep,…
