New MacLoggerDX HD for iPAD

MacLoggerDX HD is an Amateur Radio application that monitors the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It Alerts you to rare Ham Radio contacts or band openings by looking up and displaying real time propagation paths on a zoomable map. MacLoggerDX HD can log your contacts to a super…


Boger BO-3500 Monitoring Receiver

   Frequency range  10kHz-3,5GHz  Frequency resolution  1Hz  Switching time  10ms (100 steps/sec.)  Frequency accuracy  10MHz reference intern:  Demodulators  AM, FM, USB, LSB, CW  Audio  1,0 watt at 8 Ohm – 1% THD  IF-filter switchable  2,4/ 4,0/ 6,0/ 15,0/ 30,0/ 110/ 220kHz optional 500Hz  IF-out  Switchable:      on/off10,7MHz BW   = 10MHz10,7MHz BW   = 10,7MHz IF-filter455kHz BW     =…


NKCCluster for Android

I’ve always been a bit of a gadget fan. It all started more than 10 years ago with my first purchase of (now obsolete) Handspring Visor, a PalmOS compatible. Before long, it became an essential part of my everyday life: it used to remind me about birthdays I under no circumstances wanted to forget, it…
