QRO.cz 4-way PTT sequencer

The simply constructed analog 4-way distributor enables the PTT signal to be passed on to up to 4 outputs almost instantaneously. For example, several PAs can be addressed at the same time by pressing the PTT button. A status LED signals to the user that a PTT signal is present. The PTT input and the outputs are…


Rohde-Schwarz ® M3SR SERIES4400 VHF/UHF RADIOS

Brief description: The R&S®M3SR Series4400 represents the latest generation of stationary radios for civil, defense and naval ground-air-ground communications solutions. The technical concept based on many years of practical experience is the Rohde & Schwarz answer to growing communications requirements. The radios meet highest quality aspects to provide maximum RF performance. The high-performance software defined…



On hamparts.shop page you will find an overview of products with their parameters, comparisons and examples of use. Two people are behind these products: hardware – Jan OK2ZAW/QRO.cz brand and software – Mike DM5XX. The concept of all controllers is the same. The controller contains simple code with only basic functions and all the rest…
