FlexRadio Systems FLEX-6300 SDR Transceiver

The FLEX-6300™ is for the amateur operator who wants to experience the magic of software defined radio in the highest performance 100W transceiver family available today. The FLEX-6300 provides an entry point into multi-dimensional amateur radio operations from CW to the latest digital modes. Providing dual panadapters and waterfall displays, as well as two full-performance…


MFJ-259C 530 KHz – 230 MHz SWR Analyzer

MFJ 259C 530 KHz – 230 MHz SWR Analyzers are compact, battery-powered RF impedance analyzers. They combine four basic circuits; a 0.53-230 MHz variable frequency oscillator, a frequency counter, a 50 ohm RF-bridge, and an 8-bit micro-controller. These analyzers make a wide variety of useful antenna or impedance measurements, including coaxial cable loss and distance…
