MacLoggerDX ver.6.09 for APPLE MAC

MacLoggerDX – the Mac Ham Radio Logbook choice in 110 countries… Organizing and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, casual Contesting or rag-chewing. MacLoggerDX supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in, swinging your beam around. Alerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings…


MacLoggerDX ver.6.08 for APPLE MAC

New Features in Version 6.08 Requires OS X 10.9+. macOS 10.12 (Sierra) compatible. Added LoTW real time upload. Added LoTW confirmations. Added eQSL confirmations. Added Dymo LabelWriter driver. Added SetSplitKhz, get splitKhz, callSign to AppleScript. Added URL Scheme for splitKhz, and ptt. Reject Specific Calls – spot and spotter. Notify if log changed by another…
