Dummy Load Alpha-2000

The Alpha 2000 dummy load is capable of dissipating four times the legal limit (6 kW) for 2 minutes and legal limit (1500 watts) key down, forever. It covers the 160 meter to 6 meter bands (actually 1 Mhz – 60 MHz continuously). It is a dry dummy load intended for testing amplifiers and station…


Fundraising for XiOne – The portable Software Defined Radio – SDR

XiONE launched the Indiegogo Crowd Funding Campaign for fully mobile (SDR) Software Defined Radio – XiOne. For support click here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/xione-the-portable-software-defined-radio-sdr/ Video: XiVero – XiOne Part 1 – The IntroductionWatch this video on YouTube Why do I need a Software Defined Radio? You want to receive any kind of radio signals within a huge frequency range…



AOR has issued new Receiver “AR-DV1” (Digital Voice Receiver) http://youtu.be/Mge3_6wmAZo (100kHz ~ 18MHz direct conversion, 18MHz ~ 1300MHz receiver) broadband reception of 100kHz ~ 1300MHz 1IF frequency 1.705GHz All mode analog reception FM (WFM / NFM / SFM), FM stereo, AM (WAM / AM / NAM), AM synchronous detection (SAH / SAL), SSB (LSB /…



Icom Preview 50th Anniversary Limited Edition IC-7850 at Tokyo Hamfair 2014 Icom will be displaying a pre-release version of a very special HF Base Station in Tokyo this weekend, the IC-7850 HF/50MHz transceiver. The IC-7850 ‘collectors piece’ will be produced early in 2015 in very limited numbers to celebrate Icom’s 50th Anniversary. Based on the…



Video: ハムフェア2014【17】FT-991発表! 【HAMFAIR2014/アマチュア無線動画/CQオーム】Watch this video on YouTube The FT-991 HF/50MHz/VHF/UHF Base Station Transceiver. The Yaesu FT-991 Transceiver is capable of operating SSB, CW, AM, FM, Packet and System Fusion C4FMDigital. The legendary tradition of Yaesu design is a legacy of excellence established decades ago, providing quality, stability and durability. The Yaesu FT-991 is designed for…
