GRE PSR-900 Scanner Radio Receiver

The GRE PSR-900 will offer amazing capability along with easy of use. The expected frequency coverage is: 25-54, 108-136.99, 137-174, 216-512, 764-781.99, 791-798.99, 806-960 (excluding cellular bands) and 1240-1300 MHz. This radio comes with a 2GB SD card preloaded with US and Canadian public service frequencies. You automatically program your scanner by merely entering your…


PMSDR 2.2 SDR kit

The PMSDR is a small, low-cost, HF bands full coverage “Software Defined Radio” receiver that use a computer USB port and delivers I-Q audio signals to the PC’s sound card and one of the few SDR-receivers with full coverage from 0,1 to 72 MHz. It was designed by Martin Pernter IW3AUT and it’s similar to…


RemoteRig Wi-Fi Interface

All versions of the RRC-1258, RRC-1258MkII etc. can be equipped with a internal WiFi Interface. A WiFi interface is convenient when you want to connect the RRC:s to a WiFi network both at home or when traveling.. You do not need any extra cables or boxes. For the Control-RRC the main reason to use WiFi…
