
Icom Preview 50th Anniversary Limited Edition IC-7850 at Tokyo Hamfair 2014 Icom will be displaying a pre-release version of a very special HF Base Station in Tokyo this weekend, the IC-7850 HF/50MHz transceiver. The IC-7850 ‘collectors piece’ will be produced early in 2015 in very limited numbers to celebrate Icom’s 50th Anniversary. Based on the…

mcHF QRP Transceiver Project

Photo by M0NKA The original idea was born two years ago when I got really interested in the 70Mhz band and found out that I had to homebrew something as commercial gear at that time was not available. My choice was Softrock Ensemble and OZ2M transverter. The extra part was a bulky and power hungry…


Video: ハムフェア2014【17】FT-991発表! 【HAMFAIR2014/アマチュア無線動画/CQオーム】Watch this video on YouTube The FT-991 HF/50MHz/VHF/UHF Base Station Transceiver. The Yaesu FT-991 Transceiver is capable of operating SSB, CW, AM, FM, Packet and System Fusion C4FMDigital. The legendary tradition of Yaesu design is a legacy of excellence established decades ago, providing quality, stability and durability. The Yaesu FT-991 is designed for…


With deep sorrow and grief, we inform that our friend Yuri Lobatshev RL3DZ (ex UA0KCL) has left us for the heavenly abode on Tuesday, 19th August 2014. Dearest Yuri’s family, please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Words cannot even begin to express our…

Ergonomics in HAMRADIO

THE DESIGN AND LAYOUT OF AN AMATEUR RADIO STATION MADE EASY (ERGONOMICS FOR THE HAM SHACK) WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? Ergonomics is the science of designing equipment and work spaces for maximum efficiency at a minimum of operator discomfort and fatigue. The word ergonomics comes from combining two Greek words that mean “working naturally”. In other…