DX HAM Radio Videos from 9V1YC

The art of DXing or making contact with distant stations is one of the core areas of attraction for the amateur radio hobby. No where is this attraction more evident than in these great videos about teams of ham radio operators that went to some of the most remote areas of the world, in order…

MacLoggerDX has been released new version

Following up on the Christmas-time release of Version 6.0, Dog Park Software has released version 6.01 of MacLoggerDX. Among the enhancements and fixes in this edition of MacLoggerDX are: Added Specific DXCC Alarm. Added Icom IC-7300 Driver. Added Icom IC-7200 digital modes. Added DXpedition Tracker button in Alarm Prefs. Added specific Alarm for Log lookups.…

mcHF-QRP Transceiver

The choice of architecture is a direct conversion receiver and transmitter, with a small micro-controller to provide control and DSP functions. The analog blocks in this implementation were kept to the bare minimum. Shifting, as much as possible, functionality into the digital domain. The receiver features: a SN74CBT3253C Tayloe detector as a direct conversion mixer…