ILER 40 / 4-5W QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver KIT

EA3GCY ILER 40 / 4-5W QRP SSB Monoband Transceiver KIT. SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: Frequency Coverage: VXO tuning 20 a 100KHz segment in 40M band (60-70KHz for better stability). Bandwidth range is selected according L6 value in the VXO circuit. Frequency Control: high stability VXO oscillator. Option A: two 12.031MHz. crystals (upper limit aprox. 7.105MHz) Opción B:…

The founder 4U1UN – HB9RS SK

Max de Henseler, HB9RS, the founder and president emeritus of 4U1UN at United Nations headquarters in New York, died December 30. He was 80. A ham since 1955, de Henseler had been a short-wave listener since the late 1940s. In 1976, while in New York as the UN’s chief cartographer, de Henseler reactivated the United…


The Micom Pathfinder HF-SSB transceiver provides reliable long-range radio communications in a rugged and durable backpack configuration built to withstand severe shock, vibration and extreme weather conditions. The lightweight Homeland Security version of the Micom Pathfinder makes it especially suitable for users who carry out on-foot field operations. The Micom Pathfinder backpack is equipped with…

Micom4000 4 KW Power Linear Amplifier

Offers BITE RS232 Interface Protection Provides Automatic & Manual Bypass Backup Delivers Automatic Step-down Levels The Micom RM4000 delivers the most reliable radio communications, featuring the latest and most advanced technology that provides exceptional linearity, efficiency and operating dependability for a wide range communication applications. The Main Features of Micom RM400 Power Amplifiers It has…

Sad News: Tokyo Hy Power QRT ?

Saitama Prefecture Niiza in the evening December 24. Further, according to information from the wireless dealer multiple sources, by any response eliminates the phone from Friday, December 20, response and are gone also send mail or facsimile, the company whose movements was feared. According to the Web site of the Tokyo High Power, the company…