Popular Communications launches streamlined website

Popular Communications magazine has launched a new and easier-to-navigate website. The updated site features a clean new look and a streamlined user interface to make it quicker and easier for visitors to find what they are looking for. Current issue highlights include sample pages in full-color layout, to give prospective readers the ability to see…

New Pirate FM Radio

1 Watt FM Transmitter Specifications: 1. Rated Power Supply: DC12V 2. Maximum working current: 500mA 3. Ambient temperature: -5 ~ 40 ? 4. Frequency Range: 76MHz ~ 108MHz 5. Frequency band into: 100KHz 6. Stabilized mode: PLL 7. Pre-emphasis: 50?s optional default 75?s 8. Output power: 0 to 1000mW ± 10% 9. Output Impedance: 50…

А всего в радиоволнах сейчас "купаются" более 4 миллионов энтузиастов

Фото: © Олеся Курпяева За бело-красной ленточкой, огораживающей площадку у кромки леса, тянется вверх ажурная антенна, рядом с ней палатка, а в ней два человека в наушниках отстукивают морзянку… Таких точек в Домодедовском районе Подмосковья в минувшие выходные было 48. Вчера здесь завершился чемпионат мира по радиоспорту. “Для радиолюбителей это событие, как для спортсменов –…

New Smart Antenna Controler SAC X

The SAC X is a new and very unique product, dedicated to making the automation of your station as simple as possible. Once you have integrated the SAC X in your shack, you will be surprised how tidy your wiring is, and how easy complex switching of all antennas at your QTH, including reception only…

World Radiosport Team Championship 2010

The World Radiosport Team Championship is the major HAM Radio contest event of year 2010. WRTC-2010 will take place near Russia’s capital Moscow where 50 teams from all over the world will compete in the same field conditions. The event is held by “Soyuz Radioljubiteley Rossii” – Russian National amateur radio society. There are many…