YagTracker – APRS Tracker and Mobile Terminal

Features 128×64 Graphical LCD Display ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Built in 1200 baud modem (codec powered) Requires external GPS (4800 baud, serial) Supports $GPWPL waypoint output string (map stations on GPS) Holds a station list of last 50 heard stations in EEPROM Main screen can recall back to the last 6 heard stations Station list sorting…

Ham Nation Day Open House

Video by K7AGE Yesterday I went down to Petaluma Ca to visit Leo Laporte’s new TWiT studio. Leo had recently taken and passed his Technician and General class Amateur Radio licenses. Leo produces many pod and video cast shows, including a new ham radio show called Ham Nation. Ham Nation is hosted by Bob Heil…

Some conclusions from A35AY DXpedition

Transceiver: TenTec “Eagle” 100w. Antenna: Random wire on fishing pole with Z11 Pro ATU. For my DX Vacation – Ten-Tec “Eagle” seems is the BEST. K3 and TS590 are too large, K2 is not stable in digital mode, FT857 and IC706 are too small to use with not good receiver. Source About Ten-Tec “EAGLE” transceiver…