HAM radio balloon goes around the world

The 434 MHz solar powered party balloon B-64, launched by radio amateur Leo Bodnar M0XER, is approaching the UK at the end of its record breaking journey around the world Leo launched his balloon from Silverstone in the UK on July 12, 2014. It traveled east across Asia, the Pacific and the Americas and is…

DWM-2 Watt Meter (Reflectometer)

DWM-2 Watt Meter (Reflectometer). Features: Four external coupler ports User friendly human interface Analog and Digital displays Power range of 10mW to 2 KW Fwd power, peak power, VSWR Measures simultaneously One DC-1 coupler is included with each Watt Meter (DWM-2). At the time of ordering, you can choose if you want the DC-1-30 (for…

Cooler KX™ Elecraft KX3 Heatsink Upgrade

Cooler KX™ is a line of painstakingly designed and meticulously crafted aftermarket heatsinks for the Elecraft® KX3 transceiver. VE7FMN currently offer two models, both of which are mechanically compatible with the Side KX End Plates and Side KX Cover accessories offered by AK6Q: The Cooler KX Lite™ is sufficient for most work below 30 MHz…


HF PA 1000 PREMIUM – 1KW 1.7 – 32 MHz, (400 W 50 MHz) Description: New HK 1 KW amplifier, this equipment includes all brand new technological solutions and components, and it is professionally built, high shielding, best quality mechanical building materials,(aluminium with alodyne) steel threaded inserts, teflon coaxial cables, switching relays RX-TX TOHTSU which…