New DNA Computer Stores 1 Bit of Data

Bioengineers at Stanford University have turned living cells into data storage devices that can store a rewriteable small amount data, just like silicon devices. Sections of DNA in the researchers’ engineered cells can sit in one of two positions, representing the 0s and 1s of digital data. “Essentially, if the DNA section points in one…

Chinese TYT TH-9800 Dual Band Mobile Transceiver

23 May. 2012 Features: Outstanding 0.2uV sensitivity across 10m/6m/2m/70cm bands Brilliant crossmodulation, intermodulation rejection and strong signal performance – similar to commercial radios! Commercial quality and commercial performance, too! 256 memory channels DTMF mic included! Digital FM broadcast band radio High/low output power levels Reverse frequency selection Dual (V/U) squelch set levels Dual repeater offsets…

Sierra Radio Systems : Station Controller #437

Iphone App Sierra Radio Systems has teamed up with Pignology to bring remote station control and monitoring to your iPhone ! Pignology’s HamLog is one of the most widely used Iphone apps for ham radio. HamLog features a full blown logging program and dozens of useful tools including call sign lookup, grid square calculator, propagation…