The Japanese geeks Heaven

Visit to Akihabara on Dangerous Prorototypes Global Geek Tour 2012Watch this video on YouTube Visit to Akihabara with Tokyo Hacker Space. Part of our Global Geek Tour 2012. Google Map layer for your phone, list of shops, and more at Dangerous Prototypes.

FA-SM station manager

You probably know the following “problems”: During an SSB contest or with only moderate activity on the radio bands you want to save your voice calling CQ so a voice keyer (“CQ parrot”) is needed. For morse code you use an electronic CW keyer for automated CQ calls anyway. And if you are active especially…

43km Ham Radio Laser CW QSO

Mario Roessler DH5YM has made available a video showing amateur radio laser communications over a distance of 48 km CQ Loop via Laser de DK5WMA, July 2012, distance 43kmWatch this video on YouTube Another test with Laser communication. You can see the green Laser of DK5WMA Marcel and hear the demodulated telegraphy signal. The fading…

TT1A 2 Band CW QRP transmitter kit

DIY Project: TT1A 2 Band CW transmitter kit. Introduce price is only $129! Working on 40M and 20M, (optional 15M). Output: 4W. Power supply need: 200-250V 100ma, 6.3V 2A. Enjoy building this 2-band CW tube transmitter, watching the comforting glow from the tube pumping out 4W, only a weekend’s work. Install in custom made enclosure…