P-25 Radios Killed by $30 Toy

A $30 toy, Mattel’s pink GirlTech IMME, an instant-messaging device with a miniature keyboard, can be used to disrupt radio communications used by every major federal law enforcement agency, reports C/Net An associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Matt Blaze co-authored a paper (pdf) at the Usenix Security symposium in San Francisco this week.…

New WiFi 802.22 Standard released

IEEE has just released a new, official standard for 802.22 Wi-Fi, and it can cover 12,000 square miles with just one single base station—about the same as broadcast radio and television. This, of course, will use up spectrum including 54MHz to 698MHz—the analog TV spectrum that allowed signals to travel out that far. The new…

The I-Pro Home antenna

40 to 10m Efficient vertical dipole design No Radials! No Counterpoise! Small space requirements Easy installation The I-Pro Home antenna is a vertical dipole for the bands from 40 to 10m, incl. WARC bands. Due to the design as vertical dipole the antenna does not require any radials or counterpoises, making it very well suitable…

CommCat 4

CommCat 4 is a radio control and logging program for radio amateurs who share a passion for talking to other hams around the world. CommCat works with most popular radios and accessories. It requires a Windows XP or later computer. CommCat 4 is compatible with the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. CommCat is now…