Japan earthquake – ICOM and Kenwood

Both ICOM and Kenwood have issued statements concerning the affect of the earthquake on their factories. It appears Icom’s facilities at Osaka and Wakayama are in the south of the country and Kenwood’s primary office facilities in Yokohama and Hachioji are to the south and west of the quake’s epicentre. Kenwood’s primary manufacturing facility is…

Yaesu Fukushima factory shutdown

  CQ Newsroom reports that production of Yaesu Amateur Radio equipment at Vertex Standard’s factory in Fukushima, Japan, has been temporarily halted due to earthquake damage In an open letter to the amateur radio community, Vertex Standard CEO and President Jun Hasegawa expressed his gratitude for the many “kind words and thoughts about us during…


Тридцать лет назад 15 апреля 1972 года радист американского линкора “Теодор Рузвельт” Ллойд Детмер принял сигнал SOS. Вроде бы ничего необычного в этом факте не было, если бы это не был SOS, переданный с “Титаника”. Сначала радист решил, что повредился умом, но все-таки запросил берег (вдруг кто-то действительно тонет). Ему категорично ответили: никакого сигнала не…

GRE PSR-800 EZ Scan

The GRE PSR-800 EZ Scan is a revolutionary approach to scanner listening. It allows you to listen to desired communications without PC or Internet programming because everything is already in the scanner! The Digital EZ Scan scanner includes a 2GB SD card inside the radio with the entire US database of trunked systems and popular…